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Improving the Health of Your Clinical Practice

2 Tips to Increase Patient Load

Do you worry about not having a big enough patient load at your wound care and hyperbaric medicine clinic? Do you struggle with marketing due to low budget and not enough resources?

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[Video] Debridement: Learn How, When, and Why

[Video] Debridement: Learn How, When, and Why

We have big news to share with you...

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A Giant in the Field of Hyperbaric Medicine

A Giant in the Field of Hyperbaric Medicine

Many refer to Dr. Eric Kindwall at the "Father of Hyperbaric Medicine," and his contributions to hyperbaric medicine are legendary. Dr. Kindwall was born on January 17, 1934 and passed away on January 18, 2012. For this reason, we find it fitting to highlight his contributions to the field of hyperbaric medicine during the month of January.

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How to Get Exactly What You Want in a CME/CEU Course

Do you have trouble finding a CME/CEU course that fits your exact needs? Do you find that the topics never quite apply to you, or that the format of the course doesn't fit your schedule and/or budget? Is it difficult finding a course that offers the hours you need, without charging you for extra hours that you don't need?

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FAQs: Diabetes and Wound Care 21-Day Challenge

Today is a special blog post, not our normal format. That said, as you may know, we are co-hosting a 21-Day Diabetes and Wound Care Challenge with Best Publishing Company. Registration for the 21-Day Diabetes and Wound Care Challenge opened on Wednesday and it has been very well received! There is a lot of excitement and enthusiasm among our colleagues! Have you accepted the challenge?

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Question: How should I manage a patient that has a low pre-Hyperbaric treatment blood sugar?

Ideally, an HBO program should have a detailed policy for the diabetic patient and the immediate steps that one should take to elevate the patient’s blood sugar. However, for the patient who has a recurring problem with blood sugars that are less than the recommended pretreatment level, there are several options. One option is to contact the managing physician and explain the need for relaxed glycemic control while receiving hyperbaric therapy.

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5 questions to help you plan your CME/CEU credits for 2015

"Before anything else, preparation is the key to success." - Alexandar Graham Bell

Start planning now to earn your 2015 CME/CNE/CEU credits. Don't know how to start? Below are five questions to help you start the planning process, and watch the short video to get all the details.

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The Mechanisms of Barotrauma in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

We all learn about barotrauma in the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine. The question we have for you today is whether or not you remember the mechanisms of what causes barotrauma and how to properly pre-screen HBOT patients.

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Impact of the revised Novitas LCD Policies for Hyperbaric Medicine

There has been a lot of communication in the marketplace, as well as confusion and misunderstanding, over the past few weeks regarding the final publication details and implementation notice of the Medicare Administrator Contractor’s, Novitas LCD on hyperbaric medicine for hospitals and physicians. The LCD takes effect July 24th, 2014. A major development with MAC’s and commercial insurance products recently, is their taking a stance on practice requirements. They are dictating credentialing standards. This most recent LCD from Novitas reflects that positioning as well. In this blog post we give you straight answers that will provide clarity and assist you in understanding how the revised requirements will impact you and your program staff.

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100% Credentialed

Is it a goal of your clinic to achieve 100% staff credentialing? If not, your facility is missing a huge opportunity. Having a fully credentialed staff sends the message to referring physicians, patients, and your local community that meeting a national standard of high quality health care is your clinic's #1 priority. Being fully credentialed also sends the message that your clinic has a very competent clinical team. And when faced with making a patient referral, wouldn't you rather refer a patient to a facility that you trust to be competent and provide the highest quality of care?

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