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Rx Pad

Improving the Health of Your Clinical Practice

The Mechanisms of Barotrauma in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

We all learn about barotrauma in the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine. The question we have for you today is whether or not you remember the mechanisms of what causes barotrauma and how to properly pre-screen HBOT patients.

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Impact of the revised Novitas LCD Policies for Hyperbaric Medicine

There has been a lot of communication in the marketplace, as well as confusion and misunderstanding, over the past few weeks regarding the final publication details and implementation notice of the Medicare Administrator Contractor’s, Novitas LCD on hyperbaric medicine for hospitals and physicians. The LCD takes effect July 24th, 2014. A major development with MAC’s and commercial insurance products recently, is their taking a stance on practice requirements. They are dictating credentialing standards. This most recent LCD from Novitas reflects that positioning as well. In this blog post we give you straight answers that will provide clarity and assist you in understanding how the revised requirements will impact you and your program staff.

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100% Credentialed

Is it a goal of your clinic to achieve 100% staff credentialing? If not, your facility is missing a huge opportunity. Having a fully credentialed staff sends the message to referring physicians, patients, and your local community that meeting a national standard of high quality health care is your clinic's #1 priority. Being fully credentialed also sends the message that your clinic has a very competent clinical team. And when faced with making a patient referral, wouldn't you rather refer a patient to a facility that you trust to be competent and provide the highest quality of care?

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4 Easy Tips to Improve Your Clinic's Community Education Initiatives

By providing community education to potential patients you are, in the words of John Peters, incoming Executive Director of UHMS and Managing Partner of Wound Care Education Partners, “building awareness, and with that awareness we’re able to impact healing outcomes for patients in our community.”

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Question: I am currently a DMT and would like to take the course(s) necessary for the CHT certification. Which courses will lead me in that direction?

We recently recieved this question from a prospective student. If you find yourself asking this same question, read on to learn the course of action we recommend.

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Question: Does a Safety Director Course designate someone as a Hyperbaric Safety Director?

We are often asked the question, "Does participation in a safety director course automatically designate me as a hyperbaric safety director?" There seems to be some midunderstanding around this issue.

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Is the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine right for me?

Is the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine right for me?

Below you'll find some of the questions we get asked about the Introductory Course in Hyperbaric Medicine (ICHM) - along with our honest answers. We'll tell you everything about the program and what it takes so you can make the best enrollment decision for you.

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Question: Why is a hyperbaric facility maintenance program necessary?

Question: Why is a hyperbaric facility maintenance program necessary?

The development of a comprehensive maintenance program for a hyperbaric system and its supporting equipment is essential for a safe and cost-effective operation. The chamber and its operational systems, the chamber room, and the equipment used in and around the chamber should be maintained at the highest operational level. This should also include the cleanliness of all elements of the interior and exterior systems.

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Question: (Dive Medicine) Can you explain the transfer of gases into and out of a scuba diver's body?

Question: (Dive Medicine) Can you explain the transfer of gases into and out of a scuba diver's body?

Henry's law can be used to examine the transfer of gases into and out of a scuba diver's body. 

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Question: What is the Current Perspective Regarding Supervision of Hyperbaric Dives by Nurse Practitioners?

Question: "I would be interested in the current perspective regarding supervision of hyperbaric dives by Nurse Practitioners.

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